Middle School Concert Band
Middle School Music Classes Registration
Click above to register your child in music
Welcome to a new year of band . Please make sure to read through this document with your parents to help ensure a successful year in music. Also check on the band website regularly for updates and performances.
Places To Rent Instruments:
Cyndi Hall's Music Studio
(661) 212-8531
Nick Rail Music
Agoura Hills
(818) 991-3750
Henson’s Music
(805) 482-6115
Middle School Band
6th Grade Band
The middle school beginning band will offer flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussion. Percussionists should begin on keyboard percussion with the understanding that they have to learn the melodic percussion instruments such as bells and xylophone first. After demonstrating a minimum proficiency, they can begin learning snare drum and bass drum. Exceptions will be given to students with a piano background who demonstrate proficiency right away. Students who want to start on instruments other that those listed must get private lessons. All students in first year beginning band will be considered to be “Beginner” level music students.
Concert Band
Concert Band students have achieved at least the “Performer” level of academic and
musical skill on their instrument. These students should be encouraged to study privately with an approved instructor as well as explore enrichment activities such as solo and ensemble festival, county honor band and all state honor band.
An adequate ensemble warm up book should be used for tone and technique
development. These books are good resources for challenging assessment materials that reinforce concepts of rhythm, meter, tone, technique, articulation, balance, blend,
intonation, etc. Students at the “Performer” Advanced Band level should be able to adequately sight read concert music at the grade two level. This is also a good time to encourage students to consider switching to a “color” instrument such as oboe, bassoon, French horn, bass clarinet, euphonium, or tuba.
Students’ responsibilities:
• Play the instrument at least 25 minutes a day (assigned music from class).
• Bring the instrument to school on all rehearsal days and bring it home at the end of the rehearsal day.
• Be prepared to play assigned material from the previous class.
• Turn in credit sheets and other required papers on time.
• Stop in for additional help before school
• Show enthusiasm and effort.
Parents’ responsibilities:
• Establish a consistent daily routine for the child to play the instrument.
• Sign practice sheets on a weekly basis.
• Remind them of all their responsibilities (these children are from 10-12 years old; they are still learning to be responsible).
• Assist them with time management/prioritizing (homework, play instrument, chores, video games).
• Read and review all emails with your child.
• Attend all performances and support the progress of the student.
The primary source of funding for the SCMS Music Department is through donations. These funds are used to cover the cost of running a band program i.e. instruments/repair, transportation, music instructors, purchase of music and Rights etc. Suggested Donation is $200.00 for the full year per student. The money we make is the money we have. Donation payments can be paid with either cash or check. Please make checks payable to SCS/Music. Please write your child’s name on the check/Band. For example: Mary Smith/Band.
Students who qualify for the free/reduced lunch program will receive a band scholarship. Contact Mr. Palomino
Also, there will be a 4 hour minimum per family for volunteering at bake sales. (Parent or child)
If you are unable to donate, contact the director.
All students should have an equal opportunity to participate in Band.
Required Materials for individual Instruments
You must have a doctor’s note if you can’t participate due to medical reasons.
You will earn grades academically through the following means of assessment:
10% Class Assignments/Quizzes
Band Book
20% Participation Assessed at the discretion of the Director according to the following criteria:
Is the student in their seat with their music ready to begin class when the bell rings?
Is the student giving their best effort throughout the rehearsal to learn their part and to develop their skills?
Being Prepared for rehearsals
Students will be continually evaluated during the semester.
20% Attitude
Assessed at the discretion of the Director according to the following criteria:
Is the student serious during rehearsals?
Does the student follow the directions of band authority?
Is their behavior in any way disruptive?
Students will be continually evaluated during the semester.
50% Attendance of rehearsals and concerts
Recorded by the director
Excessive excused absences could negatively affect your grade.
Dress rehearsals are mandatory and are often held in class on the day of a performance.
The director may request a note from a physician for excessive absences.
You must attend all concerts and performances in order to get an “A” in this class.
A = 90 - 100%, B= 80 - 89%, C= 70 - 79%, D= 60 - 69%, F= 0 - 59%
Things to work on when Practicing
1. Rhythm
a. Clap and say the rhythm (ta, ta, ta-ah)
b. Use metronome
a. Instrument in playing position, moving fingers, slide, or mallets (saying ‘d, d, f...’)
b. Use metronome
3. Play
a. Use metronome
b. Check for accuracy
It is very important for parents to help students find a time and place for practice.
1.Create a daily routine (suggested order):
a. Academic homework from class
b. Practice instrument
c. Chores
d. Play time (video games, etc.)
2.Practice at least 25 minutes per day
e. It is typical for students to get carried away and practice more (this is good!).
f. It is more beneficial to practice 5 min. per day than an hour one day and 3 days off.
g. Students should play whether they feel like it or not.
3.Have a goal
h. Having a goal allows students to have productive practice sessions.
b. Each rehearsal day, new material is assigned. This should be the focal point of practice. Examples: (Short term goals) -Play assigned material with minimal mistakes -Isolate specific measures or note combinations that may be difficult -Play along with the CD Examples: (Long term goals) -Perform a solo/small ensemble piece for the next band concert -Make first chair for the next playing test
4.Use a metronome
i. Using a metronome helps the students to play correct note values and establish a steady pulse.
5.Music stand
j. Using a music stand allows for the instrument to be kept in proper playing position. (Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent)
6.Practice space
k. An environment with minimal interruption is ideal.
l. Once played correctly, the phrase or note pattern should be repeated several times to become habit.
a. Students should make time to create their own music on their instruments.
9.Perform for others
m. Students should have opportunities to demonstrate their progress to friends and family.